Cardiac Rehabilitation Aspects


Cardiac-RehabMain aspects of cardiac rehabilitation programs:

  • Medical evaluation
    Medical evaluation and monitoring of a patient is performed to understand his needs and limits. The rehab team designs a customized rehab program to meet the needs of the patient.
  • Physical rehabilitation
    Physical rehabilitation is aimed at the restoration of the patient’s physical capacity. Timely and adequate activation of the patient are performed by means of the early administration of movement therapy, followed by exercise therapy, dosed walking, and at the later stages – controlled and no controlled exercises (exercise bike, treadmill).

  • Physical rehabilitation has a significant place in the system of cardiac rehabilitation since the restoration of the patient’s capability to cope with physical activities in everyday life and at work is the basis of the whole rehabilitation system. In terms of this type of rehabilitation patients are taught how to check the intensity of their physical activity and heart rate.
  • Psychological adjustment
    This aspect of cardiac rehab is aimed at the development of the feelings of optimism, self-confidence and restoration of the internal self-image integrity in patients as well as conducting delimitation of the boundaries between themselves and their disease.

    This process involves the investigation of the nature and severity of the mental disturbances which may result from such conditions as myocardial infarction, unstable angina, or stroke, as well as their psychological intervention. Personality characteristics and the mental state of rehab patients significantly influence their attitude toward treatment.

    The main participants of psychological adjustment are attending physicians and psychotherapists. Rehab doctor work to minimize negative mental changes in patients, as well as to create the conditions for a successful adaptation of patients to changed personal life situations caused by their disease. Patients are taught how to cope with stress, anger or depression during the recovery period.
  • Education, counseling and support
    This aspect involves teaching the patient about all the elements of a healthy lifestyle (physical activity, sensible nutrition, pace of living) that applied together can protect him from the progression of his disease.

    During this part of rehabilitation, patients are helped to understand their condition, to learn how to manage the conditions and symptoms that require careful attention.

    Patients are encouraged to participate in relevant wellness programs, for example, “quit smoking” and “healthy eating” programs. Families of patients may attend counseling sessions that inform them how they can help.
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