Rest Angina Treatment and Prevention


rest angina treatment

The approach to the Rest Angina treatment includes:

Non-drug measures to correct patient lifestyle (giving up smoking and alcohol, healthy diet, physical activity);

Pharmacological therapy – the treatment of Unstable Angina involves drugs of various types such as:

  • Anticoagulants – medicines that prevent platelet aggregation and reduce the risk of the blood clots formation and Arterial Thrombosis;
  • Beta blockers – to balance myocardial oxygen demand and oxygen supply to the heart. These drugs cause the decrease in the frequency and duration of Angina attacks as well as improve exercise tolerance;
  • Statins – drugs that lower blood cholesterol levels and, therefore, reduce the development of existing atherosclerosis plaques;
  • ACE inhibitors – drugs from this group have anti-ischemic properties that can slow down the progression of Atherosclerosis;
  • Calcium antagonists – disrupt the movement of calcium into the smooth muscle cells through specific channels;
  • Nitrates – the main drugs used in the therapy of Angina, reducing myocardial oxygen demand.

Surgical intervention – in cases of Unstable Angina:

  • Balloon Angioplasty – a type of noninvasive surgical procedure used to remove arterial narrowing;
  • Coronary artery stenting – the widening of the narrowed artery where atherosclerosis plaque is located ;
  • Coronary artery bypass surgery - indicated for severe or multiple arterial involvements. The open heart surgery for creating alternative routes for the coronary blood.

In cases of a severe Unstable Angina attack, rest and immediate intake of nitroglycerin are required. An episode which lasts for 20 or 30 minutes, and characterized by strengthening or increasing intensity of pain, requires immediate hospitalization and monitoring by a cardiologist.

To prevent rest Angina one should:

  • Completely eliminate all risk factors:
    • Quit smoking and consuming alcohol and energy drinks;
    • Dieting with limited cholesterol, animal fats, caffeine and salt consumption;
    • Lose excess weight.
  • Treat all concomitant diseases (diabetes etc.).

All patients suffering from rest Angina should be followed up by a cardiologist and if necessary should see a cardiac surgeon. The prognosis of Unstable Angina is more serious than in case of Angina of effort due to more evident and, as a rule, multiple coronary artery lesions. Such patients are at a higher risk of myocardial infarction and sudden cardiac death.


To learn more about Cardiology, we recommend the following websites: